Management System for Operation and Loss Prevention in Power Distribution Networks
LLT has a product line for monitoring and supervision of power lines distribution networks. All system componentes have been developed in an integrated way, which assures a high degree of product reliability to our customers. This system is used on external power lines networks, and offers solutions for on-line and real-time monitoring for:
- Prevention of non-technical energy losses;
- Power system operation management;
- Equipment preventive and correctivemaintenance;
- Planning and network expansion.
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Prevention of energy non-technical losses
Energy balance
Energy supplied by transformer to end-consumers is periodically measured by SGRede-BT and by cross-checking with consumers billing data, energy balance is automatically* calculated by SG-Rede system. Such feature provides the following information to energy distribution companies:
- Loss report for each pole-mount transformer, listed in prioritized order by higherrevenue recover;
- Energy consumption details, technical and non-technical losses by pole-mounttransformer, month to month;
- List of end-consumers connected to each transformer, their energy consumptiondata and their registration status at energy provider company;
- Calculator for estimation of revenue loss at pole-mount transformer;
- Pole-mount transformer georeferenced maps, filtered by range of losses.
* It is necessary SG-Rede System is integrated to energy provider billing system or data must be inserted by spreadsheet.
Operation and Maintenance
Electric Power Distribution System operation
All network electrical parameters and transformer temperature are constantly measured and monitored by SG-Rede BT Remote Unit (UR), according to remote configuration done by energy provider company. Such functionality broadcasts real time information of:
- On-going events by different warning levels (Emergency, Alert e Alarm);
- Type of events: Power Outage, Overload, Overvoltage, Undervoltage, Unbalancedloading and voltage, Transformer Overtemperature;
- Georeferenced maps of pole-mount transformer providing visual information ofon-going events;
- On-going events detailed status list and ‘quick search’ filters;
- Detailed history of all detected events;
- Periodic recording of all transformer’s measured electrical parameters andtemperature;
- Graphic reports of measured electrical parameters and statistical report ofoccurred events.
Maintenance, Planning and Network expansion
Data collected from power distribution network along with data processed by SGRede BT system are stored in databases. Many diferentes reports can be generated from system database information, such as:
- Equipment under constant stress due to overload/overtemperature, which directs field teams, by priority level, for preventive and corrective maintenance actions;
- Power network’s voltage level not suitable for consumers use, which directs field teams for transformer’s tap adjustment, change of thermoplastic cables, adjustment of transformer’s primary voltage level, installation of capacitor bank and/or voltage regulators;
- Graphics of current, power, consumed energy over time, among others, which allows the planning and expansion team to execute their projects and actions withhigher degree of accuracy and reliability;
- SG-Rede BT system can automatically export information to spreadsheets, which allows the system user to customize reports and graphics according to its specific needs.
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