Durable / Weatherproof link stick bag
All bags are made from durable, waterproof material that fits all sized link sticks from 7M -15M. These protect the unit from scratching and damage & also makes carrying the unit easier.
Available from sales
Tel : +2718 468 5080
Mobile: +2784 701 3354
Email : sales@liveline.co.za

Insertion slot
Removal Hook
LLT Insertion Tool
Insertion Slot – It has a special slot which carries both the Eskom fuse link & LLT surge arrestors. This helps for centre of gravity when it comes to Inserting the heavier units such as the LLT surge arrestors. It fits at the end of the flower end of any link stick
Removal Hook – The hook is an easy way of clipping the surge arrestor & fuse carrier unit, out of its carrier. Once it is clipped out, it can be positioned in its slot or carried down It can also be.
- Easier to use (due to the slot function)
- Safer than any other insertion tool
- Quicker.
- More efficient – Centre of gravity improved.
- Universal – It fits at the end of the flower end of any link stick, all fuse carriers & LLT surge arrestors
Functionality :
1-The Fuse carrier has an ear which is easily inserted in the slot. (upside down)
2-The hinge is exposed providing easier insertion.
3- Safer & Time saving up 50% faster to replace fuse.

Universal spline – flower
Fits any link stick
LED Light
Universal spline – flower
Fits any link stick
LLT Torch Link
Part number – LLT-TORCH
The LLT Torch link, is a unit which operates as a torch inbetween the Link stick and the insertion tool. It provides many hours of light without affecting normal operation of the link stick.
The LEDs are very efficient and use minimal amount of energy the batteries will last for months.
It is to be used at night or on poor visibility conditions, and is in place to improve the safety and efficiency of linesman in the field of service.
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